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How to Get Your Child to Think for Themselves Family Articles | June 11 Wholesale Antonio Callaway Jersey , 2006
As a parent it is easy to feel like a broken record when it comes to getting your children organised for the day. If you're tired of repeating the same thing over then try these proven strategies to get your children to begin thinking for themselves.

Do you find that you are continually telling your children what to do? Brush your teeth, put your plate away, make your bed Wholesale Chad Thomas Jersey , dont forget your hat, put on your shoessometimes the list feels endless.

I dont know what it is about putting on shoes but I used to have battles with both my children to put their shoes on. I remember one time screaming at Jake to put his shoes on because I had told him, maybe ten times to do it Wholesale Austin Corbett Jersey , and he hadnt. He was playing or getting distracted or pretending he didnt know how. Then I lost it, he burst into tears and his shoes still werent on. Im sure the neighbours must have thought I was balmy yelling about shoes! Before I became a mother I would never thought that I could end up screaming about something so trivial.

After I thought about what had happened and I was shocked that I had exploded over such a simple thing but as any parent knows its the simple things that trip you up. The positive out of all of that was that I knew there had to be a better way.

I started off by asking Jake to put his shoes on and then just expecting him to do it. I refused to repeatedly tell him what to do. That helped but it wasnt quite enough. Then I started asking him what he needed to do to get ready and after a short period of time, bingo! He got that going out meant shoes on. Sure there was the odd grumble but nothing like before.

If youre tired of being your childs personal alarm then try asking them questions instead. Questions like what do you need to do to get ready? if youre going out somewhere. Or what do you do after youve finished your dinner? when they get up and walk away from the dinner table with their plate and glass sitting where they left them. Or do you have everything you need? when they are about to begin their homework or go outside and play ball.

What is the difference between these two approaches? Well the first means you have to do all the thinking and all your child has to do is follow your instructions (its surprising how difficult that sometimes can seem for your child!). Dont get me wrong there is a time and place for straight out instructions but in many instances there is a better way and that way is by asking questions in order to get your child to think for themselves about what they are doing and what they need to do next. If you consistently use this strategy then over time you will not even need to ask the question to prompt them into action. They will just do what needs to be done. No Wholesale Nick Chubb Jersey , really, it does work. Give it a try, you may be surprised.

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