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22.02.2020 03:27
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Food machinery is an important means

Food machinery is an important means for the processing Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping , and value-added of agricultural products, which has a pivotal position for the promotion of agricultural efficiency, value-added of agricultural products and farmers' income. Therefore, we should objectively analyze the food machine market environment, seize the historical opportunity, which is conducive to the healthy development of China food machine manufacturing industry.
Analysis from the markets applicability:

(1) Scale applicability. The equipment used by the food processing enterprises in China is mainly divided into large Cheap NFL Jerseys From China , medium and small scale. Focus on the development of the medium and large scale production according to the national industrial policy and the development of the industry, and the small-scale production enterprises should fend for themselves in accordance of the law of the market economy. However, China's food machinery manufacturing production equipment is mainly to equipment small businesses, and large equipment, the large equipment is still imported.

(2) Technical applicability. The existing technology level of food machinery in China is mainly divided into high, medium and low level. Focus on the development of medium and high-end technology level according to national industrial policy and the development of the industry Cheap NFL Jerseys China , low-grade technical level should not focus on supporting, which will be phased out with the development of the industry. However, the level of China food cutting machine manufacturing production equipment is mainly medium and high-end; the high-tech products rely heavily on foreign companies to supply.
(3) Seasonal applicability. Due to the wide variety of agricultural products, many food processing is a seasonal production, such as potato processing, sweet potato processing Cheap NFL Jerseys , cassava processing, fruit processing, vegetable processing, sugar processing, and so on. For food machinery need seasonal production, it is necessary to take the different geographical conditions Cheap Jerseys Wholesale , different seasons climate and seasonal products processing technology requirements into account.

Analysis from Strategic Environment:

(1) Advantage Analysis. First, food machinery develop is faster, which has entering the adjustment of product structure, improve development and innovation ability and conform with international development period. Second, form a number of food machinery manufacturing enterprises with certain advantages, form a research and development team which has a certain development capabilities. Third Cheap Jerseys Online , governments at all levels attach great importance to the agricultural products processing industry and the food industry, to create a favorable policy environment and market environment for the development of food machinery.

(2) Disadvantage Analysis. First, food machinery overall technology lags behind, some of the most high-end products are manufactured by import, mapping imitation or reference design, the majority of products are low-level redundant. Second Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping , the capacity of independent development is weak, lack of investment in research and industry, the vast majority of companies do not have the technology research and development capabilities. Third, the main industry high-tech mainly rely on foreign countries, very few products have independent intellectual property rights, the industry lack of the strategic measures to step over technology Cheap Jerseys From China , most enterprises are difficult to carry out technological innovation.

is one of the largest manufacturer and exporter of food machinery, baking machinery, and other electric food equipment in China. With the constant technology research and market development, we have gradually become the Asian center in food machinery industry. This article come from:

Keywords: China food machine, food cutting machine

By: olive

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