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23.03.2020 16:28
How horrible is the condition in the rest of Europe? Antworten

Spain starting at now has 598 dead and 13,716 contaminations. A requesting is to be moved into the passings of at any rate 17 tenants of a nursing home in Madrid, where various instances of Covid-19 have been spoken to.

In France, the number of stated cases made by over 16% on Tuesday, appearing at 7,730, while the loss of life rose to 175, with 7% of the dead evolved under 65.

In the UK, the measure of the dead has appeared at 104.

Germany has 12 passings and 8,198 cases. Chancellor Angela Merkel is to make the abnormal advancement of watching out for the country in a TV address later on Wednesday. She isn't relied on to report new measures, yet rather sales to occupants to help battle the illness.

Belgium has 14 passings and 1,486 cases.

Source: ''Aloron News''

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